(/ˈtēˌfō/) n. - A choreographed display in which fans in a sports stadium raise a large banner together or simultaneously hold up signs that together form a large image.
Over the years, members of the Northern Guard Supporters have gathered in barns, workshops, warehouses and public parks to work on these amazing displays. Everything is designed, painted and constructed by hand by members of NGS.
We make all of this happen due to the selfless effort from supporters like you. Come help us!
When can you help?
We will be working most weekends from now until the end of April. Keep an eye on the NGS Events calendar for dates and times.
Upcoming tifo dates
Where to find us
All work will be done at our space in the Russell Industrial Complex. We can be found in Building 2 (Art Building), Suite 224.
Enter the Russell Industrial Complex from the main gate on Clay Street and either park in the main lot, or drive around Building 2 (Art Building) and park underneath the large Chimera mural.
Enter either through the main Art Building door (East side) or the door directly beneath the Chimera’s rear paw (west side) and climb the stairs to floor two. From there, follow the hallway to Suite 224.
Entering the building
West side
East side
Got one of these skills, or willing to learn?
This is literally paint by numbers, so if you feel as if you aren’t artistically gifted, please don’t let it stop you from coming to help, the painting is easy but there are all kinds of other things to do as well.
Over the course of the next few months, we will be looking for people to help with the following:
Graphic design
Design tracing
Display construction
Match day deployment/tear-down
How can you help?
Can’t make it out but still want to help?
Painting tifo is hungry work. Help keep our folks fed and watered.
Stay up to date
The hardest working tifo crew in lower league soccer will be back soon and we’ll need your help! Here’s how you can stay up to date on the details:
Look what happens when you help!
Look at all this cool shit that we’ve done.
We'll Always Sing for Rouge and Gold - the 2024 USL Championship opener
Our first tifo - 2013 NPSL playoffs versus Erie
UNSTOPPABLE - 2021 NISA Championship game
UNSTOPPABLE - 2021 NISA Championship game
The Only Club that matters - 2021 women's home opener
The Faithful of Detroit City - displayed for DCFC's first game on ESPN during the 2022 USL Championship season.
Render Unto Caesar featured a 40-foot tall version of then-DCFC Coach Ben Pirmann — affectionately known as Caesar — with the Rust Belt and NPSL trophies. This tifo was unveiled during the 2015 NPSL opener at Cass Tech. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Supporter Built Supporter Owned was created in 2020 as a celebration after DCFC announced their supporter ownership initiative. Photo by Joe Novak
Welcome to DCFC was unveiled at Keyworth Stadium in 2020 for the inaugural DCFC UWS opener. Photo by Joe Novak
The Boys Are Back was displayed in the Cass Tech Stands during the 2014 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Ours Until Forever was unveiled on the wall during the 2020 NISA season. Photo by Joe Novak
Just Can't Get Enough was unveiled during the 2017 NPSL home opener and featured an image of a City player in each of the club's first six kits. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Rouge et Or Forevermore featured scores of portraits of City legends — players, coaches and front office members. The large 12'x12' portraits were of the previous years' Black Arrow (MVP) award winners. This tifo was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Rouge et Or Forevermore featured scores of portraits of City legends — players, coaches and front office members. The large 12'x12' portraits were of the previous years' Black Arrow (MVP) award winners. This tifo was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Rouge et Or Forevermore featured scores of portraits of City legends — players, coaches and front office members. The large 12'x12' portraits were of the previous years' Black Arrow (MVP) award winners. This tifo was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Rouge et Or Forevermore featured scores of portraits of City legends — players, coaches and front office members. The large 12'x12' portraits were of the previous years' Black Arrow (MVP) award winners. This tifo was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Rouge et Or Forevermore featured scores of portraits of City legends — players, coaches and front office members. The large 12'x12' portraits were of the previous years' Black Arrow (MVP) award winners. This tifo was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Quarantifo - During the pandemic, supporters painted individual pieces at their homes, which we then sewed together and hung in the stadium during the NISA bubble tournament.
Quarantifo - During the pandemic, supporters painted individual pieces at their homes, which we then sewed together and hung in the stadium during the NISA bubble tournament.
Quarantifo - During the pandemic, supporters painted individual pieces at their homes, which we then sewed together and hung in the stadium during the NISA bubble tournament.
This tifo was unveiled in the Keyworth stands for the NISA tournament. It features an image of two women supporters in gas masks holding flares. The image was inspired by the official seal of the City of Detroit, and includes the motto Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus, which translates to “We hope for better things; it shall arise from the ashes. Photo by Joe Novak
Friendly the Bear holds the Rust Belt Derby Trophy. This tifo was displayed in 2020 when DCFC took on Cl*veland SC. Photo by Joe Novak
City Above All was our first attempt at hoisting a tifo above the stands at Keyworth Stadium. It looked great, momentarily, before flying away. This tifo was unveiled during the 2018 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
The Club of the People was 12 feet tall and nearly 200 feet long. It was the first tifo unveiled at Keyworth Stadium during the 2016 NPSL home opener. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Forged from the Same Bones was unveiled during Detroit City's friendly against FC St. Pauli (Germany) during the 2018 season. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Bring Out Your Dead was unveiled during the 2019 NPSL playoffs. The Grim Reaper holds a list of all of the teams City participated against in the tournament. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Take Over the Galaxy was our first successful attempt (and second attempt overall) at raising tifo above the stands. No tifo, or supporters, flew away during the unveiling process during the NPSL Founders Cup opener in August, 2019. The four panels feature scenes from City's history: It's roots from the DCFC, it's founding at Cass Tech, the Move to Keyworth, and the future as Galactic Champions. Photo by Dion Degennaro
This quote from the great Pele, who played for the New York Cosmos in the old NASL, was displayed alongside a copy of the Founders Cup table with City at the top and New York one spot behind. This was unveiled at City's home match against the Cosmos in 2019 when they clinched the Founders Cup title. Photo by Dion Degennaro
Once City, Always City - 2021 Home Opener This tifo had lights sewn into the marquee that made it light up!
Once City, Always City - 2021 Home Opener
El Paso Locomotive - 2022
Special Olympics Unified Cup - 2022
The only star that matters - 2022 US Open Cup versus Michigan Stars
Here's City - men's 2022 home opener
Let them hate, as long as they fear - women's home opener 2022
Let them hate, as long as they fear - women's home opener 2022
Let them hate, as long as they fear - women's home opener 2022
Anarchy in the USL - 8/19/2023
Break the Glass - 2023 women's home opener