
(/ˈtēˌfō/) n. - A choreographed display in which fans in a sports stadium raise a large banner together or simultaneously hold up signs that together form a large image.

Over the years, members of the Northern Guard Supporters have gathered in barns, workshops, warehouses and public parks to work on these amazing displays. Everything is designed, painted and constructed by hand by members of NGS.

We make all of this happen due to the selfless effort from supporters like you. Come help us!

When can you help?

We will be working most weekends from now until the end of April. Keep an eye on the NGS Events calendar for dates and times.

Upcoming tifo dates

Where to find us

All work will be done at our space in the Russell Industrial Complex. We can be found in Building 2 (Art Building), Suite 224.


Enter the Russell Industrial Complex from the main gate on Clay Street and either park in the main lot, or drive around Building 2 (Art Building) and park underneath the large Chimera mural.

Enter either through the main Art Building door (East side) or the door directly beneath the Chimera’s rear paw (west side) and climb the stairs to floor two. From there, follow the hallway to Suite 224.

Entering the building

West side

East side

Got one of these skills, or willing to learn?

This is literally paint by numbers, so if you feel as if you aren’t artistically gifted, please don’t let it stop you from coming to help, the painting is easy but there are all kinds of other things to do as well.

Over the course of the next few months, we will be looking for people to help with the following:

  • Graphic design

  • Design tracing

  • Painting

  • Sewing/Gluing

  • Display construction

  • Match day deployment/tear-down

How can you help?

Can’t make it out but still want to help?

Painting tifo is hungry work. Help keep our folks fed and watered.

Donate the NGS Smoke and Tifo fund here.

Stay up to date

The hardest working tifo crew in lower league soccer will be back soon and we’ll need your help! Here’s how you can stay up to date on the details:


Look what happens when you help!

Look at all this cool shit that we’ve done.